
Review: Induction

A novel of navigating dysphoria, familial and societal pressures, and learning to embrace your true (villainous) self.

Review: Peace and Love

A review of Huskyteer’s charming 1960s furry period romance.

The Services You Use Matter

The online services we give our money and time to often tell us about how we balance convenience with principles. Where are we willing to draw lines?

A short note about politics

Ruminations about the upcoming US elections, spurred by a shouty leftist making an argument against voting.

Burned Furs, Puriteens, and Furry’s Real Golden Age

The Burned Furs, the original “Make Furry Great Again” puritans, routinely come up in discourse twenty years on. But however weird you think they were, the truth might just be weirder.

Whither Fur Affinity?

No one wants to talk about Fur Affinity’s continued viability after Dragoneer’s passing. But it’s not speaking ill of the dead to start confronting serious questions.

I have a new website

You’re soaking in it.

The Furry Social Media Diaspora

As Twitter slowly collapses, what will replace it for furries? The answer might be: a lot of small things, rather than one big thing again. But maybe that’s for the best.

Bigotry Doesn’t Make a Period Piece Authentic

When authors writing today use bigoted language in period fiction, the defense is that it adds to the authenticity. I think that excuse isn’t just lazy—it’s pernicious.

Maybe It’s Time for the Furry Irregulars

Decades ago the science fiction community realized they needed a group within their fandom to do security work at cons rather than mundane guards and police, and came up with the Dorsai Irregulars. Could furry produce their own version of the Dorsai?

Why I Don’t Like SubscribeStar

The membership platform SubscribeStar promotes itself as a “free speech,” adult-friendly alternative to Patreon, but it seems to be the platform of choice for the alt-right, too. I don’t think this is a coincidence.

Crushing You Softly: Gentle Giants and Rampagers

I’ve been thinking about the perennial divide between “gentle giant” and “eff yeah rampage” types in macrophile fandom lately. The divide is pretty permeable in practice, and for me the mix is…complicated.